How Jellyfish Works

The Jellyfish Platform

Modular Solution

Jellyfish has been developed as a modular solution. We have significantly improved the way identity, credentials, access, and other security products are managed by developing a series of connectors (Cognectors).


These connectors enable the creation of automatic workflows, pass data through disparate systems and use triggers on one platform (example PACS) to affect another (example LACS).

Service Bus

The Cognectors feed data from disparate systems into the Service Bus. This enables a number of benefits including enhanced monitoring and reporting of activity.

Jellyfish Provides a Single Access Interface for:

Access Management

Access to systems and building areas can seamlessly be added and removed as people join, move within, or leave an organisation through existing HR functions.

Jellyfish uses modern authentication protocols and adaptive support to provide integration with logical and physical access control systems. Jellyfish focuses on future-proofing security, using emerging standards and multi-factor authentication.

Cloud Access Security Brokerage Elements

Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Shadow IT discovery, TLS Decryption, Intrusion Detection System and  Intrusion Prevention System (IDS/IPS), Sanctioned IT usage, Analytics, User and Entity Behaviour Analytics  (UEBA), Key Management & Data Privacy, Centralised Key Management Services, Bring Your Own Key (BYOK), Hold Your Own Key (HYOK).

Cartoon image to demonstrate user profile

Identity Management

Jellyfish uses CRUD management to create secure roles across enterprises. Through data transformation between source and target systems, users are given a trusted identity and granted the access they need to complete the job they have.

Mobile Device Management

Using Jellyfish, administrators can manage Mobile Enterprise and BYOD from within the system, as well as utilise these devices in secure multifactor authentication.

Networking Management

Jellyfish’s networking management capabilities include network devices and firewalls, providing a birds eye view of network connections.

Credential Management

Jellyfish’s credential management capabilities provide administrators with the ability to issue and manage certificates, smartcards, and OTP tokens. Credential management automates the provisioning and access processes for staff as they come, leave, and change roles within an organisation.

Technical Specifications

These are the minimum requirements you will need to use Jellyfish.

Small Deployment

Server OS: Windows Server

Server Type: Virtual Machine

CPU: 6 Cores


Hard Drive: 500GB

Medium Deployment

Server OS:

Windows Server or CentOS Server for CAs

Windows Server or CentOS 7 for other components

Server Type: Virtual Machine

CPU: 24 Cores


Hard Drive: 4TB

Large Deployment

Server OS: Size dependent. See Cogito

Server Type: Virtual or Physical

CPU: Size dependent. See Cogito

RAM: Size dependent. See Cogito

Hard Drive: Size dependent. See Cogito