Certificate Management

What is Certificate Management?

Certificate management allows the verification of the identity of machines. In machine identity protection, digital certificates allow for encrypted data to be safeguarded between systems. The most widely used standard for digital certificates is X.509.

Vulnerable certificates represent a significant threat to your network. As the Internet of Things and our technological ecosystem become more complex, more and more certificates are produced, becoming integral to the safety of our daily activities. From banking and shopping to BAU operations.

A centralised Digital Certificate Management system like Cogito Group’s ‘Jellyfish’ automates the detection of expired or vulnerable certificates within your network, allowing full lifecycle management of all existing certificates, no matter the CA.

Certificate Lifecycle Management Functionality

PKI and Certificate Management

Smartcard and Token Management

Key Management

Specialist Active Security and Resource Tools

Certificate Tools


Also available – self Service and Self Service Reset Tools

SOC Tools

For monitoring and alerting, Logging, System Incident Event Management, and Asset Manageme


Bring related records together for Users, Devices, Applications and Services

IdAM light

For Individuals, Credentials, Assets (CMDB), Provisioning and Deprovisioning, and Synching Data between stores and organisations. Can interface with full IdAM platforms

Icon of magnifying glass to demonstrate discovery


Discover certificates and keys on devices and bring existing platforms under management at any time

Automation and Reporting

Automate and Report on your certificate holdings at any time


Credential management (PKI smartcard and soft certificate management, discovery, OTP, SSO)

IdAM core for create, update, and delete

Encryption (DB, tokenizer, app, VM, file/ folder, BYOK, HYOK, email in transit and in cloud, e.g. O365 native encryption

Full data synch

Others include: CASB, perimeter and endpoint protection, penetration testing, MDM, biometrics

Certificate Capability

  • Automation (e.g. Certificates for Windows, Linux, Network Equipment, etc)
  • Integrations with other platforms (e.g. ServiceNow, Remedy/BMC, Digicert, Lets Encrypt).
  • Notifications
  • Boolean Search
  • Reporting
  • Manual Cert issuance
  • Anonymous capability
  • Cert Discovery and CA Polling

Download our Certificate Management Fact Sheet below

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