
Welcome to our new Business Development Manager

Cogito Group welcomes Stephanie Manefield in the role of Business Development Manager.

Stephanie has over two decades of experience as a senior executive specialising in risk management and compliance, business and operations management, sales and consulting in major corporations.

Stephanie spent 10 years at the Macquarie Group where she was Division Director in their Corporate Affairs Group.  In this role she led strategically important projects to integrate multicultural offshore businesses into the group where her responsibilities included business transformation and change, risk and compliance.  She has significant experience in business off-shoring and outsourcing, business resilience and continuity.

Stephanie is greatly respected for delivering high quality project outcomes on time and her ability to effectively engage with all levels of an organisation in the process.  She sees this as essential to enabling them to achieve their strategic objectives and it provides a great deal of satisfaction to help them accomplish this.

Prior to Macquarie, Stephanie held senior roles in a major technology firm and at global investment banks working with clients across a range of industries in Australia and overseas.  She has studied psychology at a tertiary level and is currently enrolled in an MBA program.

Outside of her work she is a dedicated and passionate fan of the Sydney Swans Football Club and is closely involved and provides support behind the scenes.


Cogito Group is an award-winning ICT company specialising in authentication, cloud security, identity management and data protection. Cogito Group protect the authentication methods used to access information through the use of Identity and other security technologies.
