
Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy released

On Thursday 21 April 2016, the Australian Government released Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy. The Cyber Security Strategy sets out the Australian Government’s philosophy and program for meeting the dual challenges of the digital age—advancing and protecting Australia’s interests online.

The executive summary explains that being connected is now essential “…creating new opportunities for innovation and growth for all Australians. To be competitive, businesses need to be online. But this also brings risks. Australia is increasingly a target for cybercrime and espionage. All of us—governments, businesses and individuals—need to work together to build resilience to cyber security threats and to make the most of opportunities online.”

The strategy establishes five themes of action for Australia’s cyber security over the next four years to 2020:
1. A National cyber Partnership | Governments, businesses and the research community together advance Australia’s cyber security.
2. Strong Cyber Defences | Australia’s networks and systems are hard to compromise and resilient to cyber-attacks.
3. Global responsibility and influence | Australia actively promotes an open, free and secure cyberspace.
4. Growth and innovation | Australian businesses grow and prosper through cyber security innovation.
5. A cyber smart nation | Australian have the cyber security skills and knowledge to thrive in the digital age.

Click here to read the Australian Cyber Security Strategy.
