Mobile Device for O365 Authentication


Step 1. Navigate to your PKI page URL using Safari

2. Click your RootCA certificate (RootExample.cer for instance) to download the file

3. There will be a prompt “This website is trying to download a configuration profile. Do you want to allow this?”, select Allow

4. A notification will display confirming the profile has been downloaded, select Close

5. Open Settings and select the option “Profile Downloaded”

6. Confirm the value in the field “Signed by” matches the certificate you selected earlier, click Install

7. At the warning page, click install

8. At the warning page, click install

9. Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Settings , toggle on the entry for cer, at the prompt “Root Certificate” select Continue

1. Repeat steps 1-8 again, selecting your issuing CA certificate (IssuerExample.cer for instance) during step 2 – maybe spell them out though.

The CA chain is now installed and trusted.


1. Navigate to the PKI page URL using any browser you like

2. Click your RootCA certificate (RootExample.cer for instance)and your issuing CA certificate (IssuerExample.cer for instance)  to download the respective certificates

4. At the warning select install anyway, and supply the required credentials to verify it’s you

5. Select your RootCA certificate (RootExample.cer for instance)from the recent files

6. Repeat steps 3-5, selecting your issuing CA certificate (IssuerExample.cer for instance) at step 5

The CA chain is now installed and trusted