
Keep cyber safe during the Commonwealth Games

The countdown to the Commonwealth Games is on! Major sporting events like the Commonwealth Games draw attention from around the world and can be a prime target for cyber criminals.  There is likely to be an increase in scams and cybercrime related to the Commonwealth Games. It’s important we don’t get caught up in Games fever and forget about our online safety.

Cogito Group are proud to be partnering with Stay Smart Online to share some resources to help everyone prepare and remain cyber aware throughout the Games.

Keep an eye on our social channels over the next 2 months for important tips on:

  • buying tickets safely,
  • avoid travel and accommodation scams,
  • connect to public Wi-Fi safely,
  • protect your business throughout the Games,
  • keep business websites and social media channels safe,
  • keep business point-of-sale systems secure, and
  • avoid Games-related email scams.
