
Internet trends 2015

In May 2015 Mary Meeker released her Internet trends 2015 report.

This is a must read for all Digital Leaders.

One of the biggest problems noticed for Cyber Attacks is that they are growing in size, complexity and risk.

Below are some of the statistics and facts coming out of the report for Cyber Attacks.

Insider Misuse = Significant Cause of Breaches
>20% of breaches come directly from insiders with malicious intent.  In most breaches, attackers have foothold within internal networks & spread / steal data through privilege abuse / credential misuse.

Mobile Devices = Increasingly Used to Harvest Data
Adware grew 136% to 410,000 apps between 2013 and first three quarters of 2014, giving attackers access to personal information such as contact, which can subsequently be used to launch phishing attacks.

Mobile Device Management = Critical in Preventing Breaches
22% of breaches reported by network security decision makers involves lost/stolen devices

Human Focus = Critical in preventing / remediating attacks
Despite abundance of security products, breach response typically takes months. 4 of 5 organisation don’t update their breach response plans to account for changing threat landscape and corporate processes.  With proper technology, threat intelligence & expertise, detection to response times has been reduced by >90%.

Security Skills = Biggest Gap in Enterprise Security Programs
Despite large investments in security technologies, lack of skilled experts continues to result in breaches.  At least 30% of organisations cite a ‘problematic shortage’ of each of the following

  1. cloud computing and server virtualisation security skills
  2. endpoint security skills
  3. network security skills
  4. data security skills
  5. security analytics / forensic skills

Disclosures of Breaches = Coming from Outside Sources
In 69% of breaches, victim did not detect attack on own – they were notified by third party (like the press, law enforcement, etc..)  This is forcing victims to disclose breaches outside their preferred terms / timing.

To view the full report, head over to the Internet Trends 2015 website.


Cogito Group is an award-winning ICT company specialising in authentication, cloud security, identity management and data protection. Cogito Group protect the authentication methods used to access information through the use of Identity and other security technologies.
