Credential Management

What is a Credential Management System?

User credentials form the basis of Access Control within an organisation. Authorised users are able to use a credential management system to create and revoke user access. These systems can also have automation features to streamline organisational processes, including employees moving through an organisation.

Our Credential Management Systems manage the association between trusted identities and their issued credentials. They manage the lifecycle of trusted tokens such as smart cards and credentials delivered to smartphones and other mobile devices, and provide a multitude of authentication solutions for your business or organisation.

Personal Identification Verification Credentials

PIV credentials operate using trust and identification tools such as certificates, biometric authentication, key pairs and pin numbers. These can be combined into a Credential Management System. Credential Management Systems are used to automate and enhance security posture within organisations by streamlining the access privileges given to staff and other resources.


Our smartcards ensure authentication, flexibility, digital security and confidentiality.

Card Management Systems

Cogito Group currently offers a number of different CMS solutions meeting different needs and price points.

Card Management Systems

A Card Management System (CMS) manages the full lifecycle of Smartcards.

In a medium to large organisation, it becomes difficult to manage credentials. Traditional methods do not address the security and auditing requirements that usually come with a large-scale deployment of smartcards. A CMS manages smartcard deployments in a secure and auditable manner, allowing the organisation to: Issue the card, personalise the card with authentication capability, and provide centralised card-management post-issuance.


What is a Smartcard?

Smartcards are credit card sized with an embedded integrated circuit or microchip. Smartcards can be used to improve security when accessing information, locations or equipment.

This includes providing logical network access to computer systems, physical access to facilities and to secure and authenticate digital transactions.

Credential Management Best Practices

Credential Management Systems are crucial resources for the detection and prevention of risky behaviours. Controlled access to customer and employee information improves governance and compliance within organisations. Best practices for credential management include:


Auditing ensures the people within your organisation have access only to what they need. Audits should include deprovisioning staff when they leave, or change roles within an organisation.

Certificate Management

Certificate Authority Management platforms, like Jellyfish bring visibility to certificates across your network. Providing authentication and authorisation, allowing you to automatically manage certificates issued from disparate CA’s and prevents risks associated with certificate outages.

Key Rotation

Retiring old encryption keys and replacing them with newly generated keys is a standard of cryptographic best practices.

Access Control

Credential management systems also require further password management to ensure only the right individuals can access the right passwords necessary for their role.