Data Sovereignty

The Importance of Data Sovereignty

Data Sovereignty is:

  • The jurisdictional control or legal authority that can be asserted over data because its physical location is within jurisdictional boundaries.
  • An important term for regulatory and data security purposes.
  • The understanding that data that is stored outside of an organization’s host country is still subject to the laws in the country where the data is stored.

Cogito Group protect data not only from unauthorized access and disclosure, but also from being altered by an unauthorized third party or a trusted insider with malicious intent. This assists in the detection and prevention of fraud or other malicious activities by third parties or trusted insiders. We ensure your data stays within your country.

Our solution ensures confidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation for online transactions:

  • Confidentiality of the information or information channel (where required),
  • Validity of the information conveyed and received (data integrity),
  • Identity of the parties involved in the transactions (authentication),and
  • Accountability of commitments or actions (non-repudiation).